
This Is Why I Love Robert Fulford

Another excellent article by the peerless Mr. Fulford in Saturday's Post, about the ROM's opening ceremony for that new crystal thing. (Am I the only one that keeps expecting Superman to emerge from this thing?)

Part that made me spit out my coffee: "David Foster wrote the closing anthem for the occasion. On stage, various dignitaries danced along while it was sung. Among them was Governor-General Michaelle Jean, reinforcing her reputation as the first cute G-G in the history of Canada. Musically, Foster's piece resembled an Andrew Lloyd Webber reject. Its words, however, filled us with hope, mainly that the show would soon end"

I'm in a metaphysical crisis this morning as I find myself actually agreeing with Michael Coren about the protest at Chapters-Indigo bookstores this weekend. I think we should all get a little antsy when people start protesting book stores (and by extension, books) no matter what reason, or lack of, lie behind it.


David Wozney said...

The Governor General of Canada is a “corporation sole”, according to Elizabeth II in this document. A “corporation sole” is defined and recognized as being a corporation.

It is a fiction that a corporation is a person.

“A corporation is a fiction, by definition, ...”, according to Patrick Healy in a statement found here.

“A corporation is a ‘fiction’ as it has no separate existence, no physical body and no ‘mind’”, according to this presentation by Joanne Klineberg.

Do Canadians want businesses, companies, their government, and their Queen to operate in the realm of reality, or in the realm of fiction?

Unknown said...

I prefer my Queen to operate in the realm of rock! http://www.queenonline.com/