
Shameless, Shamless Plug

Wrote a quick letter about Queen's University hosting the Hippie conference (I was that irate by it that I actually spent 5 minutes writing an e-mail) to the National Post last week and they were kind enough to print it today:

'Readers were taken on a four-decade flashback last week through an article about a new field of academic study, Sixties scholarship. Some ex-hippies sent in fond tales of their summer-of-love experiences, but most said it was best forgotten.

"Hmm, hippies. My friends and I used to dress up as hippies for Halloween-- just like my own kids do sometimes," wrote Michelle Martin.

"Regarding the conference about '60s studies at Queen's University, thanks for this article," added Gregory Devine. "At last I have a good reason not to contribute money to the alumni association."

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