
Proud To Be A Canuck

Just in time for Victoria Day (well, all right, just after) some things that should make you proud to be a Canadian:

1) Senators are in The Stanley Cup Final

2) The Canadian dollar is at a 30 year high

3) We are skinnier than Czechs! And the Australians! And the British, which seems off to me, as every person I've met from the UK was in need of a good doughnut and a suntan. But nevertheless, this should be celebrated by a nationwide feast of honey cruellers, poutine and double doubles!

4) We are the only country that celebrates Victoria Day... well us and the Cayman Islands. Bastards. Still, we could beat them at hockey. And they don't have poutine... but then again they aren't on the obesisty chart. Hmmm...

And to provide fairness and balanceness, something that makes you hide your head in shame to be a Canadian... or at least an Ontariorioian:

A Hamilton truck driver waits a year to have a gaping hole in his head fixed.

Just reading the headline makes me want to pull out the pages of my passport, book a flight to Grand Cayman and set ip the islands' first and only Bubba's franchise.


Grey said...

Thank you for linking to my site.


Unknown said...

You're welcome... I love the obesity chart. Quite inventive