
I Wanna Be.... Anarchy! In the Ottawa Capital Region!

Yet another knucklehead comparing Prime Minister Harper to Hitler. This guy was such an anarchist that he took a job with the government, reading news coverage, for four years. I presume his plan was to bring down the government from the inside, by perhaps omitting favourable coverage and focusing only on negative -- take that Conservatives! The end is at hand!

His final blow, undoubtedly, would have been to steal all the pencils in the office and turn off the lights as he ran out the door shouting "Stephen Harper sucks!"

I... wannna...be... mildly annoying!

I also find it odd that he mentions the governments "continuous PR campaign" as a reason that he leaked the document. Um, you do realize that is what governments do? Launch and maintain PR campaigns in order to get people to vote for them and to support their policies?

Let me explain this again, for all of those not paying attention the first time. Prime Minister Harper is not Hitler. He's nowhere near Hitler. Hitler spent most of his life trying to conquer the world and systematically killed millions of people. Prime Minister Harper has looked creepy on TV. Hitler had deviant sex with his niece. Prime Minister Harper hired a psychic to do his hair. Hitler woke up every morning and thought about new ways to be evil. Prime Minister wakes up every morning from his recharging unit and thinks about new ways to make fun of Stephen Dion.

If you have a legitimate position against PM Harper, or President Bush or anyone else, where does it get you to compare them to Hitler? As soon as you do that, the conversation is over, because you've veered into overblown rhetoric land and there's no coming back. You've destroyed any argument you might have been trying to make and the other side has no retort. (No, he isn't like Hitler. More like Goering. Or maybe Rommel.) Conversation is finished, and you look like a wing-nut hysteric who has spat on the memory of the six million that died in the Holocaust, their survivors, and all of the Allies who fought in the Second World War.

Nice one.

Prime Minister Harper is as insidious as an infected paper cut. I'm the last person to agree with him on just about everything, but comparing him to Hitler is stupid, childish and silly.

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