- @ (instead of "at")
- actually
- added bonus
- ain't
- aks (instead of "ask")
- all I’m saying is
- all-new
- alot (instead of "a lot")
- appropriate and inappropriate
- asterick (instead of "asterisk")
- ATM machine
- at the end of the day
- at this point in time
- awesome!
- baby bump
- back in the day
- back to you at the studio
- basically (as a sentence adverb)
- beautiful (a favorite of real estate agents, writers of travel brochures, and Martha Stewart)
- been there, done that
- between you and I
- birthing
- bling and bling-bling
- boots on the ground (News readers, politicians, military men, congressmen, bureaucrats--they’re all guilty of this idiotic tautology.)
- bottom line
- breaking news
- breaking weather
- buy one, get one
- cain’t
- change (political talk)
- comprised of
- couch potato (favorite phrase of the woman whom my husband left me for)
- could care less (instead of "couldn't care less")
- crisis
- cruisin’ for a bruisin’
- cutting edge
- decimate (to mean the total annihilation of something, rather than a tenth)
- defensing
- definly, defaly, and definally (misspellings and mispronunciations of "definitely")
- devastated (as in "I was devastated," meaning I was very upset)
- different than (instead of "different from")
- dog do-do
- dress it up and dress it down
- drill down (as in "look further into a situation or document")
- dude
- due to the fact that
- efforting (instead of "making an effort to find")
- empathetic (instead of "empathic")
- end result
- Enjoy! (as used by waiters and writers)
- estate homes (when describing new housing developments with 1/4-acre lots)
- exact same
- ex cetera (instead of "et cetera")
- executive driven (when referring to used cars)
- expresso (instead of "espresso")
- facilitate
- fire me off one
- fixin’ to
- folks
- fresh baked bread
- from day one
- from now (redundancy after time phrases, as in "The game starts in 20 minutes from now")
- future plans
- give 110%
- Give it your best.
- going forward (as in "We will adopt the new policy going forward”)
- go out there (sports talk)
- got (using "they’ve got" instead of "they have")
- graduated college (instead of "graduated from college")
- ground zero (for the shabby start of any project or idea, as in “I’ve been hungry for pizza from ground zero, dude”)
- guesstimate
- guys
- harm's way
- has (for "have," as in “There’s been two accidents”)
- Have a good one.
- Have a nice one.
- healthy food (instead of "healthful food")
- hisself
- hopefully (and other so-called sentence adverbs)
- *Hugz!*
- hunker down
- I (as in “The gift was given to Tom and I”)
- ID (for "identify" and "identification")
- I’d like to be perfectly honest
- If we don’t have it, you don’t need it!
- I mean
- I’m going on break now (instead of "I’m going to take my lunch break now")
- I’m just saying
- I’m not gonna go down that road
- I’m not gonna lie
- impacted (instead of “affected,” as in "The delay impacted our project")
- incent (an example of corporate-speak)
- infer (instead of "imply" when the meaning is "to suggest")
- In my opinion I believe
- irregardless
- irrespective
- I seen
- issues
- iteration (used in ways that have nothing to do with math)
- It is what it is.
- It’s heavenly.
- I’ve came
- just as soon
- keep everyone in the loop
- keepin’ it real
- lab-ul (for "liable")
- Leave it be.
- like (as abused by the young)
- likely (as in "The senate will likely spend tax dollars on . . .)
- literally (as in "I was literally at the end of my rope!” when there is no rope)
- load shedding (instead of "blackout")
- make no mistake
- market basket of goods and services (when used to calculate the consumer price index)
- me and him (as in "Me and him are going to the movies")
- mitigate (instead of "militate")
- momentarily (instead of "in a moment," as in "The plane will land momentarily")
- move forward
- must have
- my bad
- near miss
- next steps and best practices (examples of corporate mindshare speak)
- no problem (instead of "you're welcome")
- nucular (for "nuclear")
- Nuff said.
- of (for "have," as in "I should of . . .")
- oh (instead of "zero"--especially in telephone numbers)
- okay
- on accident (instead of "by accident")
- one less (instead of "one fewer")
- on the same page
- over-achiever
- paradigm shift
- parent (as a verb)
- PIN number
- preggers
- prioritise/prioritize
- proactive
- Punxatawney Phil (a phailed attempt at alliteration)
- pushing the envelope
- raising the bar
- reach out
- reiterate
- repeat again
- return back
- sackerfice fly (sportscaster-speak for "sacrifice fly")
- shoulda
- situation
- so . . . (instead of a period at the end of a sentence)
- spend the night
- stand on line (instead of "stand in line")
- stood in bed (“I shoulda stood in bed,” instead of "stayed in bed")
- Sup? (instead of "What’s up?")
- supposibly
- team player
- temper (as in "He has a temper")
- temperature (instead of "fever," as in "I have a temperature")
- there, their, and they’re (commonly confused)
- That’s what she said.
- thing (when used instead of something more specific)
- think outside the box
- think the unthinkable
- This tastes refreshing.
- those that (instead of "those who" when speaking of people)
- to be honest with you
- tolerance
- tons (as in "tons of stocks")
- troops (when referring to individual soldiers)
- 24/7
- uhhh
- umm
- Understand what I'm saying?
- undocumented workers (instead of "illegal aliens")
- unique
- unsweet tea
- up or down vote
- upmost (instead of "utmost," as in “I have the upmost confidence in your abilities")
- utilize (instead of "use")
- veggies
- very (as in "very overwhelming")
- very unique
- vision (political talk)
- vow (instead of "say")
- wait on (instead of "wait for")
- whatever
- whatever it is
- What were you thinking?
- whenever (instead of "when")
- Where are you at? (instead of "Where are you?")
- Where is it at?
- without further ado
- would of (instead of “would have”)
- yell-o (instead of "hello")
- You feel me?
- You follow me?
- You got gas?
- you know
- You know what I’m saying?
- your and you're (commonly confused)
200 Words and Expressions That Annoy You
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