
200 Words and Expressions That Annoy You

Good list.

  1. @ (instead of "at")

  2. actually

  3. added bonus

  4. ain't

  5. aks (instead of "ask")

  6. all I’m saying is

  7. all-new

  8. alot (instead of "a lot")

  9. appropriate and inappropriate

  10. asterick (instead of "asterisk")

  11. ATM machine

  12. at the end of the day

  13. at this point in time

  14. awesome!

  15. baby bump

  16. back in the day

  17. back to you at the studio

  18. basically (as a sentence adverb)

  19. beautiful (a favorite of real estate agents, writers of travel brochures, and Martha Stewart)

  20. been there, done that

  21. between you and I

  22. birthing

  23. bling and bling-bling

  24. boots on the ground (News readers, politicians, military men, congressmen, bureaucrats--they’re all guilty of this idiotic tautology.)

  25. bottom line

  26. breaking news

  27. breaking weather

  28. buy one, get one

  29. cain’t

  30. change (political talk)

  31. comprised of

  32. couch potato (favorite phrase of the woman whom my husband left me for)

  33. could care less (instead of "couldn't care less")

  34. crisis

  35. cruisin’ for a bruisin’

  36. cutting edge

  37. decimate (to mean the total annihilation of something, rather than a tenth)

  38. defensing

  39. definly, defaly, and definally (misspellings and mispronunciations of "definitely")

  40. devastated (as in "I was devastated," meaning I was very upset)

  41. different than (instead of "different from")

  42. dog do-do

  43. dress it up and dress it down

  44. drill down (as in "look further into a situation or document")

  45. dude

  46. due to the fact that

  47. efforting (instead of "making an effort to find")

  48. empathetic (instead of "empathic")

  49. end result

  50. Enjoy! (as used by waiters and writers)

  51. estate homes (when describing new housing developments with 1/4-acre lots)

  52. exact same

  53. ex cetera (instead of "et cetera")

  54. executive driven (when referring to used cars)

  55. expresso (instead of "espresso")

  56. facilitate

  57. fire me off one

  58. fixin’ to

  59. folks

  60. fresh baked bread

  61. from day one

  62. from now (redundancy after time phrases, as in "The game starts in 20 minutes from now")

  63. future plans

  64. give 110%

  65. Give it your best.

  66. going forward (as in "We will adopt the new policy going forward”)

  67. go out there (sports talk)

  68. got (using "they’ve got" instead of "they have")

  69. graduated college (instead of "graduated from college")

  70. ground zero (for the shabby start of any project or idea, as in “I’ve been hungry for pizza from ground zero, dude”)

  71. guesstimate

  72. guys

  73. harm's way

  74. has (for "have," as in “There’s been two accidents”)

  75. Have a good one.

  76. Have a nice one.

  77. healthy food (instead of "healthful food")

  78. hisself

  79. hopefully (and other so-called sentence adverbs)

  80. *Hugz!*

  81. hunker down

  82. I (as in “The gift was given to Tom and I”)

  83. ID (for "identify" and "identification")

  84. I’d like to be perfectly honest

  85. If we don’t have it, you don’t need it!

  86. I mean

  87. I’m going on break now (instead of "I’m going to take my lunch break now")

  88. I’m just saying

  89. I’m not gonna go down that road

  90. I’m not gonna lie

  91. impacted (instead of “affected,” as in "The delay impacted our project")

  92. incent (an example of corporate-speak)

  93. infer (instead of "imply" when the meaning is "to suggest")

  94. In my opinion I believe

  95. irregardless

  96. irrespective

  97. I seen

  98. issues

  99. iteration (used in ways that have nothing to do with math)

  100. It is what it is.

  101. It’s heavenly.

  102. I’ve came

  103. just as soon

  104. keep everyone in the loop

  105. keepin’ it real

  106. lab-ul (for "liable")

  107. Leave it be.

  108. like (as abused by the young)

  109. likely (as in "The senate will likely spend tax dollars on . . .)

  110. literally (as in "I was literally at the end of my rope!” when there is no rope)

  111. load shedding (instead of "blackout")

  112. LOL

  113. make no mistake

  114. market basket of goods and services (when used to calculate the consumer price index)

  115. me and him (as in "Me and him are going to the movies")

  116. mitigate (instead of "militate")

  117. momentarily (instead of "in a moment," as in "The plane will land momentarily")

  118. move forward

  119. must have

  120. my bad

  121. near miss

  122. next steps and best practices (examples of corporate mindshare speak)

  123. no problem (instead of "you're welcome")

  124. nucular (for "nuclear")

  125. Nuff said.

  126. of (for "have," as in "I should of . . .")

  127. oh (instead of "zero"--especially in telephone numbers)

  128. okay

  129. on accident (instead of "by accident")

  130. one less (instead of "one fewer")

  131. OMG

  132. on the same page

  133. over-achiever

  134. paradigm shift

  135. parent (as a verb)

  136. PIN number

  137. preggers

  138. prioritise/prioritize

  139. proactive

  140. Punxatawney Phil (a phailed attempt at alliteration)

  141. pushing the envelope

  142. raising the bar

  143. reach out

  144. reiterate

  145. repeat again

  146. return back

  147. sackerfice fly (sportscaster-speak for "sacrifice fly")

  148. shoulda

  149. situation

  150. so . . . (instead of a period at the end of a sentence)

  151. spend the night

  152. stand on line (instead of "stand in line")

  153. stood in bed (“I shoulda stood in bed,” instead of "stayed in bed")

  154. Sup? (instead of "What’s up?")

  155. supposibly

  156. team player

  157. temper (as in "He has a temper")

  158. temperature (instead of "fever," as in "I have a temperature")

  159. there, their, and they’re (commonly confused)

  160. That’s what she said.

  161. thing (when used instead of something more specific)

  162. think outside the box

  163. think the unthinkable

  164. This tastes refreshing.

  165. those that (instead of "those who" when speaking of people)

  166. to be honest with you

  167. tolerance

  168. tons (as in "tons of stocks")

  169. troops (when referring to individual soldiers)

  170. 24/7

  171. uhhh

  172. umm

  173. Understand what I'm saying?

  174. undocumented workers (instead of "illegal aliens")

  175. unique

  176. unsweet tea

  177. up or down vote

  178. upmost (instead of "utmost," as in “I have the upmost confidence in your abilities")

  179. utilize (instead of "use")

  180. veggies

  181. very (as in "very overwhelming")

  182. very unique

  183. vision (political talk)

  184. vow (instead of "say")

  185. wait on (instead of "wait for")

  186. whatever

  187. whatever it is

  188. What were you thinking?

  189. whenever (instead of "when")

  190. Where are you at? (instead of "Where are you?")

  191. Where is it at?

  192. without further ado

  193. would of (instead of “would have”)

  194. yell-o (instead of "hello")

  195. You feel me?

  196. You follow me?

  197. You got gas?

  198. you know

  199. You know what I’m saying?

  200. your and you're (commonly confused)

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