
Rememberance Day

During the provincial election campaign this autumn, the Liberals offered another provincial holiday in February and it continues to amaze me that November 11th is still not a national holiday.

I became somewhat obsessed with the First World War a few years ago (mostly from reading Hemingway) and in my opinion it's the most significant event in the 2oth century. The Second World War, was really a sequel to the events of the First World War, even though it gets more recognition. You can ask "why?" about the Second World War and get a more or less straight ahead answer, but ask the same question about the First World War and you'll get lost in a myriad of treaties, incomprehensibly bad decisions and 1,000 years of European history.

Take a moment today, perhaps when you put your well-padded ass down on your leather couch to watch your satellite feed on your HDTV, imported beer in one hand, deep-fried corn snacks in the other, to think about those who fought and died in lands far away, and those who are sacrificing their lives now.

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