
So first it was the knuckle head in Couverville who wrote that he 'cheered' when the airplanes crashed into the World Trade Centre, killing thousands of people and his junior high news conference where he didn't answer any questions. Now it's the leader of the Green Party, Elizabeth May, who compared Prime Minister Harper's stance on global warming to Neville Chamberlain's capitulation to Hitler, because as we all know, 6 million Jews will be killed if we don't recycle.

Of course she backpedals like a Tour De France rider who spots a drug tester standing near the finish line. She was quoting a book, she says, and that book referred to the stance of Western leaders against global warming to the stance Chamberlain took towards Hitler. Oh, that's OK then, because it's not totally disrespectful to survivors the Holocaust (or to anyone else with any shred of rational thought) if you just mention a book that makes that claim.

The Prime Minister must be sitting back in his recharging chair, doing his best to approximate a laugh (sounding somewhat like a cross between when a record skips and a TV tube overheats and pops) while Stephen Dion is running out to get a katana so he can travel back in time and un-do the alliance he formed with the Green Party. Forget attack ads or mud-slinging, all they have to do is stand and watch as this party self-destructs.

Which is a shame, as I believe we need a Green Party in Canada, or at least someone with the cajones to stand up and push Canada in a more ecologically-sustainable direction. Forget Kyoto, forget light bulbs, forget composting. What we really need is an Apollo program for energy, a decisive plan that moves away from using oil and into the 21st century to rely on other energy sources, if not for environmental reasons then for political reasons. Think about it -- we get all the smart people we have (we might have to lure a few back from abroad, but I propose life-time season passes to hockey games and passes that enable free parking, anywhere, anytime) put them in a room and tell them to come up with something. Forget budgets, forget political bickering, just come up with something. We'll even make sure it's in French, just to keep everybody happy.

We are known as the country of wheat, but we could be known as the country that Saved The World. Think about for a few minutes. We have always been rather smug when it came to our place in the world (smug and overblown) what with our prattling on about inventing peacekeeping and multiculturalism, but think about how superior we would get to feel if we came up with a water-powered engine. Or hovercrafts that are powered by rubber bands. OK, I'm just snowballing here, but you get the general idea. If we can't be united out of a sense of common good, then let's unite out a sense of common spite.

And let's get rid of the Green Party.

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